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Is EMF Radiation Harmful to Children?

Our kids are exposed to electromagnetic radiation (EMF) as much as we, adults are. But what is the difference between keeping the phone close to your head as a grownup or a child?

What is EMF and Electrosmog?

Everyone is exposed to a complex mix of electric and magnetic fields both at home or at work, from the generation and transmission of electricity, domestic appliances, industrial equipment, to telecommunications and broadcasting.

Electrosmog is a combination of human-made radiation of EMFs (Electric and Magnetic Fields). They are produced by our electric gadgets we surround ourselves with for our everyday convenience.

The biological effects

The biological effects of EMFs on humans include stimulation, thermal, and nonthermal, the latter of which is the least known. Electrical currents that exist in human body are responsible for the communication between our cells and nerves. The human body and most biochemical activities are controlled by electric impulses.

Exposure to EMFs and ELFs (Extremely Low Frequencies) at high levels can affect the function in the human body, causing negative symptoms.

Besides all the symptoms that EMF radiation can cause there is a concern that it is carcinogenic. WHO and IARC’s classified Electromagnetic Fields as possibly carcinogenic to humans. (Group 2B).

What are EMF/RF effects on children?

Are children more vulnerable to RFs (Radio Frequencies)?

It has been a question for 20 years since they are exposed to more radiation from mobile devices.

Studies shown significant findings regarding cell phone use, for example increased headache, sleep disruption, neurotransmitter release, synaptic plasticity alterations [30-34].

The Korean study conducted in 1993–1999 tested 1,928 children with leukemia and 956 children with brain tumors. It disclosed that the risk of leukemia was 2.15 times higher in the group living within 2 km from AM radio transmitters than in the group living more than 20 km from it [35].

Another study, called "Stewart report" from 2000 revealed, that children may be ore vulnerable to EMF than any other age groups [4,36].

They communicated that “children are exposed to electromagnetic waves over a longer life time than adults and their nervous systems are in the process of development. As the conductivity of the children is higher due to higher moisture and ionic content than adults, and more than adults, children’s head absorbs a lot of RF energy” (Fig 3) [4].

Stewart’s report suggested that children should not be encouraged to use mobile phones unnecessarily and that mobile phone companies should not promote their use in children [4]. [37,38].

Common Symptoms Might Be:

  • Insomnia

  • Tiredness

  • Headache

  • Lack Of Concentration

  • Psychological Problems

  • Dizziness

  • High Blood Pressure

  • Cardiac Arrhythmia

  • Weak Immune System

  • Tumors

  • Allergies

  • Neurological Problems Histopathological Problems



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